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Jabbama Privacy Notice

1. About this Notice

This Privacy Notice provides information on how  Jabbama collects and processes your personal data when you visit our website or mobile applications. It sets out what we do with your personal data and how we keep it secure and explains the rights that you have in relation to your personal data.

2. Who We Are Jabbama Electronics Center

Jabbama Online Store is the African e-commerce Electronics platform. Our platform consists of our marketplace, which Placed Our Partner Brand Product to the consumers Buyer, our logistics service, which enables the shipment and delivery of packages from our store jabbama to consumers, and our payment service, which facilitates transactions among participants active on our platform in selected markets.

This website and/or mobile app is operated by a member of the Jabbama group of companies, the ultimate holding company of which is Jabbama Technologies.  Eng. Abdul.

Any personal data provided or collected by Jabbama is  controlled by the subsidiary that the website and/or mobile app relates to.

3. The Data We Collect

Personal data means any information that can be used to identify directly or indirectly a specific individual. We collect your personal data in order to provide tailored products and services and in order to analyse and continually improve our products and services. We may collect, use, store and transfer different kinds of personal data for marketing and personal data optimization purposes. Jabbama online store also uses Google Digital Marketing to propose targeted offers for certain products and services to our customers.

You provide us with your personal data when you register your personal details on our website and mobile platforms and transact with the same.

The personal data we collect includes:

Information you provide to us:We receive and store the information you provide to us including your identity data, contact data, delivery address and financial data. These types of personal data may include:

contact details (such as your name, postal addresses, phone numbers and email addresses),

payment information (such as your credit card information and billing address),

information provided as part of online questionnaires (such as responses to any customer satisfaction surveys or market research),

competition entries/submissions, and

in certain cases your marketing preferences.

Information we automatically collect/generate or obtain from third parties:We automatically collect and store certain types of information regarding your use of the Jabbama online store including information about your searches, views, downloads and purchases. In addition, we may receive information about you from third parties including our carriers; payment service providers; merchants/brands; and advertising service providers.

These types of personal data may relate to your device (such as your PC, tablet or other mobile device), your use of our websites and apps (as well as certain third party websites with whom we have partnered), and/or your personal preferences, interests, or geographic location. Examples of these types of information include:

information about your device, operating system, browser and IP address,

unique identifiers associated with your device,

details of web pages that you have visited,

which products you have looked at online (including information about products you have searched for or viewed, purchased or added to an online shopping Cart basket),

how long you spend on certain areas of a website or app together with the date and time of your visit/usage,

4. Cookies and other Identifiers

A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we put on your computer, mobile phone or tablet if you agree. Cookies allow us to distinguish you from other users of our website and mobile applications, which helps us to provide you with an enhanced browsing experience. For more information about cookies and how we use them, please read our Cookie Notice:

5. How We Use Your Personal Data

We use your personal data to operate, provide, develop and improve the products and services that we offer, including the following:

Processing and delivering your orders.

Managing your relationship with us.

Enabling you to participate in promotions, competitions and surveys.

Improving our website, applications, products and services.

Recommending/advertising products or services which may be of interest to you.

6. Legal basis for the processing of Personal Data

We will only process your personal data where we have a legal basis to do so. The legal basis will depend on the purposes for which we have collected and usedyour personal data. In almost every case the legal basis will be one of the following:

Consent:For example, where you have provided your consent to receive certain marketing from us. You can withdraw your consent at any time, including by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any marketing email we send you

Our legitimate business interests:Where it is necessary for us to understand our customers, promote our services and operate effectively, provided in each case that this is done in a legitimate way which does not unduly affect your privacy and other rights.

Performance of a contract with you: This would also apply where we need to take steps prior to entering into a contract with you. For example, where you have purchased a product from us and we need to use your contact details and payment information in order to process your order and send the product to you.

Compliance with law:Where we are subject to a legal obligation and need to use your personal data in order to comply with that obligation.

7. How We Share Your Personal Data

We do note share your personal data

In the event of international transfers of your personal data, we shall put in place measures necessary to protect your data and ensure the same level of protection available in the country of data origin. We shall continue to respect your legal rights pursuant to the terms of this Privacy Notice and applicable laws in your location.

9. Data Retention

We will take every reasonable step to ensure that your personal data is processed for the minimum period necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Notice. Your Personal Data may be retained in a form that allows for identification only for as long as:

A. We maintain an ongoing relationship with you. This will enable us to improve your experience with us and to ensure that you receive communications from us

B. Your Personal Data is necessary in connection with the purposes set out in this Privacy Notice and we have a valid legal basis,

C. The duration of: (i) any applicable limitation period (i.e., any period during which a person could bring a legal claim against us), and

We will actively review the personal data we hold and delete it securely, or in some cases anonymise it, when there is no longer a legal, business or consumer need for it to be retained.

10. Data Security

We have put in place security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed.

In addition, we limit access to your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know. They will only process your personal data on our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so.

12. Data Controllers & Contact

If you have any questions or concerns about Jabbama online store Privacy Notice or you are looking for more information on how we process your personal data, or wish to exercise your legal rights in respect of your personal data, please contact the Data Privacy Officer by email at  info@jabbama.ng

We will investigate any complaint about the way we manage Personal Data and ensure that we respond to all substantiated complaints within prescribed timelines.